
1 noun (C)
1 one of the two parts of a bicycle that you push round with your feet to make the bicycle go forward
2 a part in a car or on a machine that you press with your foot to control it: the accelerator pedal
3 a part on a piano or organ that you press with your foot to change the quality of the sound
2 verb pedalled, pedalling BrE pedaled, pedaling AmE (I, T)
1 (always + adv/prep) to ride a bicycle
(+ up/along/down etc): Andrew pedalled up the road towards the town centre.
2 to turn or push the pedals on a bicycle or other machine: pedalling furiously on her exercise bike
—see also: soft pedal

Longman dictionary of contemporary English. 2004.

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  • pedał — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. pedałale {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} w instrumentach muzycznych, w pojazdach mechanicznych, w niektórych urządzeniach: mechanizm dźwigniowy obsługiwany stopami (przez naciśnięcie stopą) : {{/stl 7}}{{stl… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • pedal — ► NOUN 1) each of a pair of foot operated levers for powering a bicycle or other vehicle. 2) a foot operated throttle, brake, or clutch control. 3) a foot operated lever on a piano, organ, etc. for sustaining or softening the tone. 4) Music a… …   English terms dictionary

  • Pedal — Sn std. (16. Jh.) Neoklassische Bildung. Neubildung zu l. pedālis zum Fuß gehörig , zu l. pēs (pedis) m. Fuß .    Ebenso nndl. pedaal, ne. pedal, nfrz. pédale, nschw. pedal, nnorw. pedal. Mit l. pēs Fuß oder einer nominalen Ableitung sind… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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  • Pedal — Pe dal, n. [Cf. F. p[ e]dale, It. pedale. See {Pedal}, a.] 1. (Mech.) A lever or key acted on by the foot, as in the pianoforte to raise the dampers, or in the organ to open and close certain pipes; a treadle, as in a lathe or a bicycle. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pédal — pédal, ale, aux [pedal, o] adj. ÉTYM. 1878; lat. pedalis « d un pied; du pied ». ❖ 1 Rare. Qui a rapport au pied. ⇒ Pédieux. 2 Géom. || Triangle pédal, qui a pour sommets les pieds des hauteurs d un autre triangle. ❖ HOM. Pédale …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pedal — 1610s, lever (on an organ) worked by foot, from Fr. pédale, from It. pedale treadle, pedal, from L.L. pedale (thing) of the foot, neut. of L. pedalis of the foot, from pes (gen. pedis) foot (see FOOT (Cf. foot)). Extended to various mechanical… …   Etymology dictionary

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